The deputy secretary of the gaming board was “wrongfully terminated,” according to attorney Wayne Munroe who claimed that his client Bridgette Outten was fired simply because she refused to accept another position.
Mr. Munroe said she had the right to refuse the offer.
“They were not abolishing the post of deputy secretary and they were not promoting her to any other post,” he said.
“In some instances you can be promoted without your consent which is opposed to the higher level and more money but you cannot be laterally moved without your consent. If they say to her we want you to become chief legal officer she is free to say, ‘No, I don’t wish to be chief legal officer’ and they cannot compel her to be so.”
The deputy secretary took court action on April 1 and was granted an injunction by Supreme Court Justice Ian Winder to return to work.
Two days later, Bahamas Public Services Union (BPSU) President John Pinder accused Gaming Board Chairman Dr. Andre Rollins of victimisation for allegedly suspending and firing selected employees.
Mr. Pinder also threatened to lead a massive campaign against the government that would see the government lose the next general elections, if Dr. Rollins is not removed from his post.
This is not the first time the union has called for Dr. Rollins’ removal.
Last June the union demanded he step down or otherwise be fired as they accused of him trying to intimidate employees by threatening to fire them if they participated in union activity and other union busting tactics.
Dr. Rollins has since shot back at the union’s president and said he worked in the best interest of the Gaming Board and that the firings were not personal attacks, but were based on serious matters that warranted action.
Mr. Munroe yesterday confirmed that the government has since intervened to resolve the issue and have reinstated all the employees who were fired or suspended.
He said it was in the government’s best interest to do so.
“The Gaming Board is a public body it is not anybody’s personal fiefdom and any wrong done by the Gaming Board, you take it to court and if the court grants relief, the Government of The Bahamas will pay those costs,” he said.
“To its credit the Ministry Of Tourism’s legal team and the Office of the Attorney General addressed the matter fairly quickly and their action has prevented any escalation on the costs of the action.”
Mr. Munroe said that he is expected to return to court today before Justice Winder, where the matter will be discontinued with limited costs to the government.