Former Attorney General Allyson Maynard-Gibson, KC, the first female in The
Bahamas to be appointed by the monarchy of Queen Elizabeth II in 2015 as Queen’s
Counsel (QC) is now the Master of the Bench of the Inner Temple.
Mrs. Maynard-Gibson was elected by the Honourable Society of the Inner Temple,
the Council of Inns Court and the umbrella body of four Inns during its Annual
Trinity Term Election.
The Inner Temple is an unincorporated membership which has existed since the 14th
Members of the Inn’s primary function is to provide first-class education and training
in advocacy and other professional skills for its students and new practitioners.
The Inn also undertakes a full programme of work designed to encourage and
facilitate entry to the Bar by persons from a diverse range of backgrounds and
cultures, according to its website. The Inns of Court hold the exclusive right to call
students to practice law at the Bar of England and Wales
Mrs. Maynard-Gibson is a consultant at Clement T. Maynard and Company, Chair of
the Board of University of The Bahamas, Member of the Advisory Council of Club de
She is also a former Cabinet Minister, Senator and Member of Parliament.
The Inner Temple has existed since the 14th Century.
The Masters of the Bench comprise:
(1) Royal Benchers;
(2) Honorary Benchers;
(3) Academic Benchers;
(4) Overseas Benchers;
(5) Governing Benchers;
(6) Senior Benchers;
(7) Supernumerary Benchers.
Mrs. Gibson KC, will serve as Overseas Bencher from The Bahamas. An Overseas
Bencher is a member of the Inn who has achieved, whether internationally or within
the jurisdiction of the state concerned (other than in England and Wales), judicial,