Convicted child killer Kofhe Goodman’s death sentence Tuesday sparked reactions from Attorney General Allyson Maynard-Gibson and Director of Public Prosecution Vinette Graham-Allen who both agree that justice was served in this case and vowed to launch a vicious attack on Goodman’s planned appeal.
In fact, the AG and DPP noted that they will stop at nothing to ensure that justice is “executed” in all murder cases.
“A few weeks ago the death penalty was handed down in the matter of Anthony Clarke, today (Tuesday) the death penalty was handed down in the Kofhe Goodman matter,” Mrs. Maynard-Gibson said. “We are seeking the death penalty in the matter of Stephen “Die” Stubbs.”
But in a bid to be politically correct and stopping short of saying she wants to see all murderers hanged, Mrs. Maynard-Gibson said the execution of justice is a top priority for the government, as it relates to Kofhe Goodman and all other convicts who are sentenced to death.
In fact, she added that the Attorney General’s Office intends to fight any delays or any abuses of the process using all their resources to see to it that the judge’s decision is upheld, but she would not directly comment on the likelihood that there would be any hangings in the near future.
“I don’t want to presuppose a decision of the Court of Appeal if the matter is appealed, and we anticipate that it will be or that of the Privy Council, but I want to simply remind the country that we do have a separation of powers and it is entirely up to the judiciary, which includes the Court of Appeal and Privy Council, to determine whether or not the judgment of the Supreme Court will be upheld.
“I can assure the public that we will fight abuse of process and expedite the prosecution of those appeals and will strongly fight to support the decision of the Supreme Court at every step of the way.”
The attorney general called the press conference just hours after Goodman got the death penalty yesterday.
A few weeks ago, Anthony Clarke was sentenced to death for the September 16, 2011 shooting death of Aleus Tilus.
Clarke has 21 days to appeal the sentence, but it was not clear up to press time if he had already done so.
And today if all goes as planned for the prosecution, convicted cop killers Stephen “Die” Stubbs, Andrew Davis and Clinton Evans will also join death row.
With the prosecution going so hard after convicted killers in recent weeks, Mrs. Graham-Allen would not definitively say if this means that it all boils down to the Office of the Attorney General simply wanting to see all murderers hanged.
“I won’t allow you to put words in my mouth,” Mrs. Graham-Allen added. “Breaking it down what it all means is that the law in your country prevails. It’s as simple as that.”
Harping on what Supreme Court Justice Bernard Turner said in delivering his ruling when he noted, “This is a clear and compelling case for the ultimate sentence of death….” the attorney general added that the Bahamian public can be assured that her office will do all it could to see his decision carried out.
“I think that the public can be very confident that justice has been served by the conviction,” the attorney general said.
“The pub can be confident that we will aggressively prosecute the appeal asking that the Court of Appeal upholds the Supreme Court decision and if it goes to the Privy Council we will advance also that the Supreme Court decision is upheld.”