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OPTIMISM IN HAITI Govt. defends NIA 2024 amendment bill
haiti unrest


There is new hope for security in Haiti as countries around the world are pledging more support and funding to bring about peace and security in that Caribbean country.  The new Council there claims that the Haitian people are optimistic about the future.   The U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken pledged another $160 million in […]

Prime Minister Hon. Philip Davis

Govt. defends NIA 2024 amendment bill

By Gerrino J. SaundersJournal Staff Writer The Minister of National Security Wayne Munroe said the NationalIntelligence Agency (NIA) Amendment Bill 2024 by the Davisadministration has breathed new life into the agency which is animportant arm of national security.Some of the major changes to the Bill include a change in name fromthe National Crime Intelligence Agency […]

Health Ministry Satisfies Nurses

29 August 2018

Health Minister Dr. Duane Sands said he believes that there is satisfaction in terms of the arrears owed to nurses, even though there are still some outstanding payments to be made. “Certainly with pay day this month, we believe that it will be a little bit better. I would hate to be premature and to […]

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New Local Gov’t Structure Planned

29 August 2018

The public consultation for the introduction of Local Government for New Providence continues in earnest.   Since its introduction in 1996, local government has empowered communities in the Family Islands to address many of their local concerns in addition to developing their island communities. Now, the Minnis Administration is hoping to build upon the successes […]

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29 August 2018

Going digital, that’s the new way for some government agencies application processes, including immigration. Giving an update before the weekly cabinet meeting yesterday, Immigration Minister Brent Symonette, said despite a setback, the filing computerization system at the department will be up and running in two weeks. “We had a slight setback.  If you’ve been up […]

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Elnet Maritime Breaks Ground for New Center in Grand Bahama

29 August 2018

Minister of State in the Office of the Prime Minister, Senator Kwasi Thompson, said both foreign and local investors continue to display confidence in the Grand Bahamian economy by starting new businesses or expanding existing ones. Minister Thompson, who was the keynote speaker at the groundbreaking ceremony for Elnet Maritime Center on Monday, August 27, […]

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29 August 2018

According to Housing Minister Romauld Ferreira, the government has already received as many as 60 applications for their low-cost housing initiative, but regrettably only nine of them qualify.  He said, “we say to the Bahamian public that this is one of those once in a lifetime opportunities. We urge you to put your financial house […]

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29 August 2018

Despite a potential conflict of interest, Bahamas Power and Light’s new Chairman Donavan Moxey is not ruling out the possibility of his software company, CBI Mobile, working with BPL. Mr. Moxey’s company proposed an App called Mobile Assist to the company’s former board a year ago.  Mr. Moxey and his board met with reporters on […]

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Drastic Decline In Virus Outbreak

29 August 2018

Health Minister Dr. Duane Sands says  that there has been a drastic decline in conch poisoning and gastrointestinal virus, while there was one confirmed case last week.  The Minister stressed to reporters outside cabinet yesterday that  persons should take the necessary precautions in preparing raw conch cuisines. The Minister says the cause of this outbreak  […]

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28 August 2018

It was an  exuberant spirit filled the Thomas A. Robinson Stadium parking lot  on Saturday  as hundreds of  youngsters received free books, pencils, uniforms, and shoes from  the  Stephen C. Munroe International  back to school extravaganza.  This was the brainchild of  Prophet Stephen Munroe who said he got the idea after watching several kids kick their […]

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NEMA makes financial contributions to Hurricane Irma victims on Ragged

28 August 2018

Captain Stephen Russell, Director of the National Emergency Management Agency, NEMA, issued financial assistance estimating $72,000 to Family Island residents impacted by the devastating Hurricane Irma in 2017. Captain Russell was accompanied by assistant accountant at NEMA, Eva Lightbourne and Family Island Administrator for Exuma and Ragged Island Districts Preston Cunningham. Captain Russell and his […]

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New BPL Board Gets Mandate

28 August 2018

Out with the old, and in with the new as   Bahamas Power and Light’s (BPL) new executive board was  introduced  yesterday.  In an official presentation of the board members, Minister of Public Works, Desmond Bannister, told the members that there was a critical need for teamwork.  “All of that raises wonderful opportunity for leadership […]

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